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After waiting all those hours in vain, he will eventually leave and choose another option.
Everything I did, good and bad, I did of my own free will.
Imi poate explic cineva diferentele dintre that this these those ? De ce nu pot pune this in loc de that si cam tot ce are legatura cu ele ? Multumesc.
Explicati-mi va rog care este diferenta intre these si those?
i did my homework late in the evening yesterday
am intalnit 'propozitia' asta si voiam sa stiu ce parere aveti: e corect: 'how did you know who i am?'
I don't know how they'll react to our proposal, so we'll just have to play it by ear and hope for the best.
It was such a beautiful day, that made me play hooky from work.
Cum se traduce:" Or play with a silly old cork and string"
ce inseamna fair-play ?
He is stressed out, dreading that we may be inching closer to disaster.
Care ar fi traducerile corecte pentru ,,get loud'' si ''let it out"
Cum se traduce in Romana corect ''Love is running out" si ''Love is running"
"all of a sudden" sau "all of the sudden"?
all together sau altogether?
traducere 'watch out'-
I'm tired of talking all by myself
care ar fi corespondentul din limba romana pt proverbul: DON'T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET?
Cum se traduce: " Yet it is out here on the empty plains watching the golden eagle fly that you get a true feeling of this little known country"
you have your work cut out for you
Cum se traduce "slightly more than half of all visitors are from Europe" ?! Ceea ce m-a indus in eroare este "slightly more". Pls help
cum traduceti "Hang out to dry"?
ago (ac) - formele de singular si plural
Va rog sa-mi traduceti si mie in sarba prop. astea fara google translate va rog: All over the world si Enjoy it.Wear It. Cat si in spaniola. Va multumesc
Dad's predictions all those years ago, did finally play out.
Efectuați traducerea și adaptarea !
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Limba Engleză
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