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întrebări relaționate
care e diferenta dintre:he forgot to bring the book si he forgot bringing the book?
Cum se traduc aceste proverbe : The proof of the pudding is in the eating, You can`t have your cake and eat it, Too many cooks spoil the broth, One man`s meat is antoher man`s poison.. Ajutor..
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I was just trying to lighten the mood.
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He tried to outsmart her, but in the end she bested him.
We must stick with the first option, as long as it proves itself feasible, whereas there are many good reasons to switch to a second option.
To kick the bucket
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Even if not exactly,we still have about 50% percentage for each side of the coin.This is the law of probability and can not change anyone.In betting sports law applies equally simple,win or lose,you have 50% chance for each,as in the case of the coin.But when it comes to sports betting then you can obtain a rate of earnings over 50% easily,because sports betting is not only based on luck.
Everyone asks if they can make long-term profit from sports betting. If so, then how much money you can win? How should you bet? Each gamble is based on probabilities. If you throw a coin 1000 times will fall to the nearest 500 times on the emblem and the 500 times on the coin. Even if not exactly, we still have about 50% percentage for each side of the coin.
Please note that working ahead earlier than one day prior to the next lesson plan is prohibited. If you need to do so prior to one day please call me at 781-812-5443 or send me an email and I will get back to you with my decision with 48 hours if not sooner.
Cum traduc corect ” Noi am fi castigat meciul daca am fi jucat mai bine ” ?
cum traduc iti dorim nastere usoara, multa sanatate tie si bebelusului
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cum traduc: to book the hotel ?
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Limba Engleză
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2 răspunsuri
eu cred ca inseaman sa-ti faci rezervare la un hotel
- e o expresie asemanatoare folosita si la nemti - hotel buchen!
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eu cred ca e atunci cand urla seful la tine ca de ce n-ai facut-o si pe asta- adica sa i faci rezervarea la hotelul care stii tu ca e mai bun..
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