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întrebări relaționate
I was just trying to lighten the mood.
He was the luckiest child of the orphanage, because he was adopted by a well-to-do family.
There was a period of confusion, following the announcement
In the USA, Terry Todd was making squats in excess of 750lbs, bench at 500lbs, and dead lifts officially at 730lbs. Ronnie Ray was outstanding with many National titles benching 500lbs at 198lb bodyweight. Dave Moyer with his 450lb squat at 123lbs.
It was such a beautiful day, that made me play hooky from work.
"I didn't think it's possible" vs "I didn't think it was possible"
'there was a time' are acelasi sens cu
The struggle for women's suffrage began well before 1920.
I don't know how they'll react to our proposal, so we'll just have to play it by ear and hope for the best.
Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I can surely tell you who's the culprit for the the actual curfew !
They said that the faraway lake housed some uncommon species of seaweed.
He tried to outsmart her, but in the end she bested him.
We must stick with the first option, as long as it proves itself feasible, whereas there are many good reasons to switch to a second option.
Seize the day !
The dues are paid. Are we even now ?
To kick the bucket
When they asked questions about the surreptitious activities, I exchanged with her furtive glanses across the room.
She brought him to silence, 'cause the pendant he found on the compound, holds a lot of significance, linked to last periods happenings.
I heard a spot just got opened at the local subsidiary, because one of the senior salesmen decided to change his future objetives and resigned
Care este traducerea pentru ,,When you think the final nail is in"
"all of a sudden" sau "all of the sudden"?
"1 AM in the morning" e pleonasm?
"the news is .." sau "the news are .."
"the continue ability" sau "the continued ability"?
The adverbs: "quite" and "pretty"
"I got the gist of it" sau "I got the jist of it"?
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 – Banker of the day. Matches must be traded after System 1.
Even if not exactly,we still have about 50% percentage for each side of the coin.This is the law of probability and can not change anyone.In betting sports law applies equally simple,win or lose,you have 50% chance for each,as in the case of the coin.But when it comes to sports betting then you can obtain a rate of earnings over 50% easily,because sports betting is not only based on luck.
Everyone asks if they can make long-term profit from sports betting. If so, then how much money you can win? How should you bet? Each gamble is based on probabilities. If you throw a coin 1000 times will fall to the nearest 500 times on the emblem and the 500 times on the coin. Even if not exactly, we still have about 50% percentage for each side of the coin.
cum se traduce din engleza in romana: the one
The police was canvassing the building thorougly.
Efectuați traducerea și adaptarea !
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Limba Engleză
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