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Cand se pun adjectivele care se termina in -ed, in limba engleza dupa substantiv?

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Cum este corect?


the learning capabilities of each tested  approach


the learning capabilities of each approach tested


it represents the number of groups of stimuli found that have the maximum score 


it represents the number of groups of found stimuli that have the maximum score 


the limitations mentioned at the top of this section


the mentioned limitations at the top of this section


the number of generated values does not equal the initially established number


the number of values generated  does not equal the initially established number


The numbering of the approaches developed does not bring additional information to the reader


The numbering of the developed approaches does not bring additional information to the reader

Va multumesc!

întrebarea de Alexandru Dinu în categoria Limba Engleză

1 răspuns

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Conform gramaticii limbii engleze, adjectivele se vor afla MEREU înaintea substantivelor, și nu invers. Dacă sunt puse înaintea substantivelor, aceste adjective cu terminația -ed, vor avea mai degrabă funcția de verbe, nu de adjective.

răspunsul de DraPa Poliglot (3,677 puncte)